truths, lies and beliefs

in today's world the differences between truths, lies and beliefs have become blurred. let's review their definitions: 

truth is something that we know to be true. truth is a fact. we have proof that something is true, e.g. gravity. in 1684 Sir Issac Newton, one of the greatest scientists and mathematicians that the world has known, provided scientific and mathematical proof that gravity existed. Newton's law of universal gravitation remains unchallenged for more than 300 years.

lies are falsehoods--the opposite of truths. the veracity of a lie cannot be proven. lies have no provable and/or repeatable facts to back them up.

beliefs are things that we believe to be true. beliefs are not facts because there isn't provable and repeatable scientific data to back them up. it's been estimated (an estimate is not a fact) that despite all of the scientific breakthroughs and Nobel Prizes for discoveries, that scientists only understand 4% of the universe. ‘Scientists only understand 4% of universe’ — RT World News

our beliefs are not necessarily untrue because we don't have scientific facts and/or mathematical formulae to back them up. we simply can't prove that they are true.

many of us believe that heaven exists. we believe that because we believe that the bible contains the Word of God. Just because we don't have scientific proof for heaven doesn't mean that heaven doesn't exist. God chooses what and when God will reveal truths to us.

Jesus said: "For there is nothing hidden that will not become visible, and nothing secret that will not be known and come to light.k"  (Luke 8:17) 


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