accepting God's gift of love

The bible tells us of God's love. God the Father created our souls in love. God the Son redeemed us from our sins. God the Holy Spirit provides us with grace to live with  "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control". (Galations 5: 22,23) 

Living the good news is not always easy for some of us. I have a particular problem with impatience. sometimes I think that my impatience and failures in dealing with adversity stem from my lack of a strong faith. I must believe that with God's love that I have all that I need to live as a faithful Christian.

I happened upon this article: Fruit of the Spirit: Patience - Blessing of Heaven  
I call your attention not only to the article itself, but also: 
"How to Be Saved, God's Plan of Salvation:
Hear: Romans 10:17
Believe: Mark 16:16
Repent: Acts 2:38
Confess Matthew 10:32
Be Baptized: Acts 22:16; 1 Peter 3:17-22
Remain Faithful: Revelation 2:10"

I hope that this helps you as it helps me. God bless you. 


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