why don't religions talk more about heaven?

the short answer is "I don't know". It seems that some Christian religions prefer to talk more about hell--and what you need to do to avoid going to hell. the short answer to that question is "do what we tell you to do--and don't do what we tell you not to do". what a drag! 

it's MUCH more uplifting to think about how wonderful that heaven is... 

so, the emphasis of this blog will be to joyfully discuss heaven and how wonderful that heaven is. 

where do we start?

I suppose that the best place to start is the bible. What did Jesus say about heaven?

In Matthew 13 Jesus uses parables to describe heaven. When Jesus' disciples asked Jesus why He used parables, Jesus responded "Because knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven has been granted to you, but to them it has not been granted." (Matthew 13:11)

Jesus said that heaven is like a mustard seed (Matthew 13: 31-32), yeast (Matthew 12:33), a treasure buried in a field (Matthew 13:44), a merchant searching for fine pearls (Matthew 13: 45-46), a net thrown into the sea which collects fish of every kind (Matthew 13: 47-48). 

When Jesus asked his disciples if they understood, they said "yes" (Matthew 13:51).

I must admit that while there is no better expert than Jesus as to what heaven is like, I feel like a person to whom knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven has not been granted (Matthew 13:11). 

so, in the posts that follow I will try to share what I think that the kingdom of heaven is like.


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